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News & Events
Intro para here xxxxxxx Here you will find…….
Bailey’s black adder
Little Bailey has joined us on guided walkies before, Jane told us she surprised an adder and was bitten earlier this...
Dorset Open Spaces survey
If you live anywhere in Dorset (with or without dogs!) and have 5 minutes to spare please do this survey! This...
Dorset Council PSPO Consultation
Dorset Council is extending this public consultation by three weeks to make sure people who were unable to obtain a...
Bin it at Home
IMPORTANT message for us from Dorset Council - it's time to carry our dog poop bags back home and put them in our own...
How to share whilst keeping our distance
We need to be aware of keeping our distance whilst out walking our dogs, following the latest guidance -...
Hillside Vets Newsletter
Hillside Vets website have the latest updates and lots of useful and interesting information - find them here:...
Alabama Rot
'Alabama Rot' is a rare but serious disease. 198 cases have been reported in the UK in the 7 years leading up to...
Golden ambassadors
‘Golden volunteers’ Linda & Tony have spent years as membership admin volunteers for Dorset Dogs - if you have...
Look out for grazing animals
We're really sad to report that this cow was attacked at Winfrith & Tadnoll nature reserve and subsequently had to...
Dorset Dogs Festival 2019
Celebrating dogs, wildlife and the countryside - we had a wonderful day! Festival sponsors I-Mac Fire & Security...